Recording songs for some bands is a quick process once the songs are written. This hasn’t typically been the case with my recordings. My solo Debut CD “of the past and foreground” took almost 6 years for me to complete. Granted, I didn’t have the benefit of a band and I was learning the recording software at the same time. Many of the tracks that I completed early in the process were replaced later with much better ones.
When Eden Park Band started recording our first single “Laying Good Men Down” I recall letting Elton Clifton (who we’d never worked with before) that it was likely that we would work all day on something and in the end be unhappy and want to start over. While this didn’t happen much (and that’s a credit largely to my band mates and Elton) it did happen some.
ţђę ∂ลяк мลţţэяร currently has two songs partially recorded and at least two more waiting to be started. The band, which features Eden Park Band’s Jay Aronoff and rhythmic onslaughters Brandon Schlunt and Donovan “Psycho D” Schlunt was first conceived in January of 2016. Due to conflicting schedules, family illnesses and major storm damage at the recoding studio the project has been “on ice”. Once I was told “It doesn’t take time, it takes a lifetime”. That rings true when it comes to the recording process. I, and I know every single musician I perform with, tries to give the best performance in the studio as well as LIVE. It WILL be worth the wait!
Stay tuned!
~ Drew